This article will explain why the total sales do not match the total payments on the Cash Sales Report.
If the amount of the sales and payments do not match on your Cash Sales Report, either there was a deleted payment or a deleted sale. If the amount is negative, there was a deleted sale. If the amount is positive, there was a deleted payment.
Deleted sales can be found on the LCS1000>Lines>Line Reports>Deleted Transactions.
Please note: ideally, cash sales should be deleted in the serving line, while the line is still open. To delete a cash sale in the serving line, click on the Cash Sale button.
Then, click on "Show cash sales and payments."
Cash sales and the payments associated with them will be listed in chronological order, with the payment listed underneath the item(s) purchased.
To delete a the cash sale, click on the item(s) and the payment associated with the items. The item will be grayed out after you click on it. The items purchased will be listed above the payment associated with them. It is crucial to delete both the item(s) and the payment!
Once you have selected the item(s) you want to delete and the payment associated with the item(s), click the "Erase" button. Finally, click the "x" in the upper right hand corner to close the box.
If you need to delete a cash sale that occurred in a line that has already been closed but not yet processed, please call Wordware and a tech support team member can reopen line. However, if the line has already been processed, the cash sale will need to be deleted in the Batch Edit.
To delete a cash sale in the Batch Edit, go to LCS1000>Student tab>Batch Edit.
Click on Transaction Batches. (This is where all of your processed transactions are stored.) Using the Search & Filters, select the meal type and the date the transaction occurred.
Next, under "Students" click the blue "Select."
In the Data Selector box, search for the Cash Student.
Check the box under "Select." Then, click the "X" in the upper right hand corner to close the Data Selector box.
Click the "Search" button.
The cash transactions that fit your search criteria will be displayed.
Under "Actions" select "Delete/Undelete Transaction."
Under "Apply to" select either "Entire Filter List" (if you want to delete all of the transactions on the list) or "Selected Only" (if you want to delete just some of the transactions on the list.) If you select "Select Only", be sure to check the boxes next to the transactions you wish to delete.
Under "Delete Action", select "Delete."
Click the "Run" button.
Click "Ok" to confirm the action.
A Performing Action box will appear on the screen. It is very important to click the "Log File" link to double check your work.
An example log file is shown here:
Note: the money associated with the sale(s) cannot be deleted in the Batch Edit. You will need to make a written note on the Cash Sales Report to indicate why the totals do not match. This is why it is important to try to delete all cash sales in the serving line, before it is closed and processed.