What is the total number of free and/or reduced students in the school?

This article will explain how to get a total number of students who qualified for free and/or reduced meal benefits.

There is more than one way to get a total number of students who qualified for free and/or reduced meal benefits. One way is to generate a list of students who qualified for free or reduced benefits. Instructions for this can be found here:

How do I find a list of my free and reduced student?


If you only need a total number of students (and not a list of names) the best report is the Monthly Summary report. This report is found on the LCS1000>Reports tab>Monthly Summary.






* Select the Meal Type

* Select the School (you may also choose to select all school combined or separated)

* Select the Date Range

* Click Submit to generate the report





The enrollment date is located in the middle of this report.
