This article will explain the free and reduced approval method abbreviations.
In the District Site>Family Dashboard>Blue Layout>FR Details box, you will see various Approval Method abbreviations.
NON = students have this approval method if they are not getting benefits.
INC = students have this approval method if they are approved for F&R benefits via an application
CAT = students have this approval method when they are approved for F&R benefits by a case # on the F&R application or when the F&R status is obtained via the Other Source Categorical Tool
ELE = students have this approval method when they are approved for F&R benefits by being directly certified for benefits using the Direct Certification Tool
DIR = students have this approval method when they are approved for F&R benefits by an approval method is manually added in the Family Dashboard
FOS = students have this approval method when they are approved for F&R benefits by having a foster student status
RFS = this approval method can be used for students who were approved for F&R benefits but the benefit was refused by the parent/guardian
-wwsib = this is used for students who received a benefit based on being in the same household as a student who received a direct certification that extends to a sibling