Verification with Edutrak

All you need to know about processing Verification with Edutrak

1. Create a Verification Folder

-When ready to process verification, we advise starting with creating a 'Verification' Folder on your computer. Here you can save all reports we recommend saving for your verification process.

2. On Oct. 1

-Go to Admin Site> Free and Reduced> reports

-Generate an Application Revision Summary list report as of Oct.1, CSV by application

-Generate an Error Prone Applications Revision List as of Oct 1

-Save this to your Verification Folder


3. Verification Letters

 -Adjust Verification Selection and Verification Result letters in District Site>Letters tab>View/Edit Letter Templates. You will be looking to adjust dates, contact information such as name and phone number.


4.  Verification Survey (Also on Oct. 1)
To process Verification with EduTrak first you will start with selecting a sampling method with our Verification tool. 
    4 a. Go to Admin site> Free and Reduced> Verification Survey

    4 b. Select the method you want to use. Your State might have a specific method they want you to use, for most states the Standard method will be fine. 

    4c. Enter your end date, typically you want to pull your sample by 10/01, however it can be different for your school district.

    4d. Click process
You will now have a list of the families/students randomly selected to verify.

   4e. Generate the letters from the Timeline


5. Send out Verification Letter

-You can use our Verification Letter to send them a letter them notifying they have been randomly selected for verification or you can choose your own method to notify them. 

Note:  If the family selected is a family you may have a hard time communicating with, feel free to run the tool again and select a new family 


6. Log Verification Details 

-Once you've received the proof of income from the families that were selected, you will need to revise the applications with the proof of income, then log the Results.

-To log the results and all other Verification Details, go to  District Site>Families tab>Search for family>Open up the family in Family Dashboard>Blue Layout>Verification box. Enter information here 


7. On Oct. 31

Generate and save the following reports from District Site>F&R tab>Reports

  • Application Revision Summary List, as of Oct 31st, CSV, by Student
  • Free and Reduced Student List, Effective Dates of 7-1-XX (which is the first date you can accept FR applications each year) to 10-31-XX, CSV, only enrolled.

-Save these reports to the folder on the desktop labeled “Verification”

-Later in the year (usually November, but this can vary, by state) these reports are used to fill out the FNS 742.