Verification with Edutrak

All you need to know about processing Verification with Edutrak

1. Create a Verification Folder

-When ready to process verification, we advise starting with creating a 'Verification' Folder on your computer. Here you can save all reports we recommend saving for your verification process.

2. On Oct. 1

-Go to District Site> Free and Reduced> reports

-Generate an Application Revision Summary list report as of Oct.1, CSV by application

-Save this to your Verification Folder


3. Verification Letters

 -Adjust Verification Selection and Verification Result letters in District Site>Letters tab>View/Edit Letter Templates 


4.  Verification Survey (Also on Oct. 1)
To process Verification with Wordware first you will start with selecting a sampling method with our Verification tool. 
    4 a. Go to District site> free and reduced> Verification Survey

    4 b. Select the method you want to use. Your State might have a specific method they want you to use, for most states the Standard method will be fine. 

    4c. Enter your end date, typically you want to pull your sample by 10/01, however it can be different for your school District.

    4d. Click process
You will now have a list of the families/students randomly selected to verify.

   4e. Generate the letters from the Timeline


5. Send out Verification Letter

-You can use our Verification Letter to send them a letter them notifying they have been randomly selected for verification or you can choose your own method to notify them. 

Note:  If the family selected is a family you may have a hard time communicating with, feel free to run the tool again and select a new family 


6. Log Verification Details 

-Once you've received the proof of income from the families that were selected, you will need to revise the applications with the proof of income, then log the Results.

-To log the results and all other Verification Details, go to  District Site>Families tab>Search for family>Open up the family in Family Dashboard>Blue Layout>Verification box. Enter information here 


7. On Oct. 31

Generate and save the following reports from District Site>F&R tab>Reports

  • Application Revision Summary List, as of Oct 31st, CSV, by Student
  • Free and Reduced Student List, Effective Dates of 7-1-XX (which is the first date you can accept FR applications each year) to 10-31-XX, CSV, only enrolled.

-Save these reports to the folder on the desktop labeled “Verification”

-Later in the year (usually November, but this can vary, by state) these reports are used to fill out the FNS 742.