A product that has been shipped can also be returned to inventory. The Returns feature allows you to record a product being returned. You will be able to enter a reason for the return and choose whether it should be added back to the inventory.
If you return the items in a shipment, you may need to manually adjust any taxes, shipping charges, or payments already made.
To Return an Item:
REQUIREMENTS: The returns button will only appear for shipments that have been marked as shipped.
From the Shipments page, click the RETURN button located below a shipped shipment.
This will take you to the Return Shipments page where you will see the items included with shipment.
For the item that is being returned, click the RETURN button.
The page will refresh with the Order Item ID, Name, and Quantity Purchased displayed.
Edit the Quantity to Return to match the number being returned.
The Return to Inventory settings:
Yes will increase the inventory level
No will not change inventory level.
Enter something into the Add Note To Order field. (e.g. a reason for the return, Return Authorization #)
The information you enter here will be displayed to the customer on their order invoice. -
When finished, click the UPDATE button.
The Order History will be updated to display the note you've added to the order.
To Delete a Shipment:
REQUIREMENTS: The delete button will only appear for shipments without any items.
From the Shipments page, click the DELETE button located below an empty shipment.
A browser warning prompt will appear for confirmation. If you want to delete the shipment, then click OK.