Orders by Sku Report

You can access the Orders by Sku Report from the Menu drop-down. Reports > Roster Reports > Orders by Sku Report. This report lists all the students who have enrolled for a class. You can view each class separately by entering the Sku number of the class, or you can view all class enrollments. The printable report can be exported to file. Unlike the Class Roster and Class Enrollment reports, this report doesn't have a built-in page break. That makes it easier to print fewer pages and view your information more quickly. We recently added a Use Product Sku filter, very helpful with multiple options and variants. Note our newest improvements in the header. There is a Use Variant Name check box. This filter is especially helpful if you've created Options and Variants but didn't change the Sku and all choices have the same Sku number.

We added several more very useful filters on this page. You can include Paid Orders or Unpaid Orders. Unpaid Orders are usually registrations that will be paid at a later day such as for a field trip. You can also export this report with data from the Product Template of your choice! The Orders by Sku Report now has super powers!

HTML Report

The HTML Report displays all the enrollees in one class if you enter a Sku in the filter box at the top. Or if you can view students from all skus if you don't enter a Sku. This report can be sorted by adjusting the entry in the Sort By drop-down box. The Student name is shown in this report. In the example above, I entered FT8 as the Sku and the report finds all the Skus that begin with that Sku. This can helpful if your variant or product skus are similar and you wish to view the enrollment for both classes quickly.


Printable Report

The Printable Report automatically gives you a printer-friendly report with the same information as the HTML Report except the Use Variant Name appears on the Printable Report. Notice, I selected Use Variant Name for this report. There are two separate variants, a class for two different dates. The Sku is different for each, but if they were the same, the Variant Name field will help you collect all the data.


The Printable Report is easily printed or exported to file.


NOTE: If an order is refunded, the transaction order will display on the Orders by Sku Report until that order is cancelled or if the class is removed using Edit Order Items in the Order Manager.