Issuing a Refund

You can access the Order Manager from the Menu drop-down. Manage > Orders. (You can also access the Order Manager for a specific user by going to People > Users from the Menu drop-down.)

If you access the Order by the User Name, you will see the User Profile. Scroll down until you see the Order History. In this case, we want to refund Order # 43. Click Details at the far right and then will bring you to the Summary window in the Order Manager.


Or you can start your refund from the Order Manager. Click Details or the Order Number and that will also bring you to the Summary window for that Order. (If you already know the Order Number, go to the Dashboard and enter the Order Number there and click 'Go'.)


This is the Summary Window of the Order Manager for Order 258.


To Process a Refund, click the 'Payments' tab at the top left menu under the word 'Summary'.

That will open the Payments Window as shown below for Order #258.

Click the Down-Arrow Next to the word Tasks: You will see a drop-down list as shown below. Choose Issue Refund, and then click the Blue Arrow just to right of that drop-down list to continue the process.

That will open the window shown below. By default, the full amount will be in the Refund Amount box. If you wish to issue a full refund, leave the amount of $10 in the Refund Amount box. You'll see the line item below. If you wish to process a full refund, then leave the $10 amount as is.


You will need to enter the last 4 digits of the credit card number in the Credit Card Number window, which is already visible on the horizontal blue line, card #8888. In this case, I want to process a full refund of $10. You can also apply partial refunds to the order.

Then click on the Refund button to complete the Refund.

When completed, you will see a window similar to the one below. Check to be sure you see Success under the Result for the Refund.

For your inventory to be correct, drop the refunded class in the Edit Order Items section. If you are refunding the entire order, then just cancel the order instead of dropping the class. Cancelling the order will return all items to inventory.

NOTE: It is necessary in ePayTrak to wait 24 hours before issuing a refund or until that batch is settled just before midnight. Due to the settings of ePayTrak, you are unable to process a Void. Your customers will receive their funds faster if you issue a refund the next day!