Shipping providers like UPS, USPS, and FedEx allow you to have real-time shipping estimates applied to your orders and can give customers access to tracking details from your store. You must have an account with one of the Integrated Carriers to use this feature.
Your ePayTrak site will already be configured for you by ePayTrak personnel. It is not recommended that you make any changes to your shipping setup. Contact Tech Support for more details.
To Add a Shipping Service Provider:
From the Configure menu, go to Shipping > Integrated Carriers.
Click the ADD CARRIER button.
Choose your shipping service from the list available.
NOTE: There is no limit to the number of shipping services you can use. -
Read and follow the on-screen text, continue and enter the applicable information required.
When you reach the Configure page, check the default settings and make any changes as needed.
Click the UPDATE button.
At the top of the Configure page, find the tab labeled "Services (Shipping Methods)"
Check all the shipping services that you wish to offer.
Click the button ADD DEFAULT CONFIGURATION to view a section similar to the example below:
To further customize each shipping method, click the EDIT
icon to view a page similar to the example below:
For each shipping method, you can specify additional configuration settings. A brief description of each is shown:
Name: How this shipping method name will appear to you and your customer.
Service: The actual service name if this shipping method is using an integrated shipping service.
Handling Fee: This can be a fixed amount, or percentage of the actual shipping costs. Show separately or included in the shipping cost.
Warehouses: Select the warehouse that will use this shipping method, or the default setting is All Warehouses.
Groups: Select the customer group that will have this shipping method available, or the default setting is All Groups (all customers).
Zones: Specify the shipping zone(s) that this method will be used for, or the default setting is All Zones.
Minimum Purchase: If you enter a value here, the order total must be equal to or greater than the value before the shipping method will appear. (e.g. "Free Shipping on all orders $100 or more")
Tax Code: If the shipping charges are taxable in your area, then set the Tax Code here. (Taxes are covered in the next section)
Click the SAVE button when finished.
Repeat as necessary for each shipping method.