How do I create a new serving line user/cashier/point-of-sale user?

This gives instructions on creating new serving line/cashier/point-of-sale users.

To create new serving line users, you will go to the LCS1000>User Management>User List. Click on "Create a new user" and a first and last name, a username and then their school email. If they do not have a school email, you can use your email in the email field. Then enter a password in both password fields. If you want the user to have access to the entire Admin site of the LCS (including the Batch Edit tool and all of the system settings) you will check the box that says "Access to LCS 1000." If this is just a line user, you will not check that box; you will check the "Access to Line Software" box instead. You will not need to enter a Line Software Pin. Then, select whether or not this user should have line closing permission and select which lines the user should have access to. Then click "Submit."


Note: We strongly discourage using generic users, such as "Lunch 1" etc. Instead, each person should have their own unique log in with their name.