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- Free and Reduced
How can I begin using Edutrak's Online Free and Reduced Application?
If you are looking to begin using our Online Application for parents to apply for Free and Reduced Benefits online using their Family User account, please see details below.
Set-Up Process
- Approval from State
- The school district first needs to contact their State and check with them what their process is regarding online application approval
- Once approved, submit a support ticket to Edutrak support and request the Free and Reduced requirements sheet. Email this back to Edutrak support
3. Logo
- Alongside the Free and Reduced requirement sheet, send Edutrak Support school district Logo that will go on the Online Application
4. Online Application Mini Training
- Once all the configuration is done, meet with an Edutrak support tech to go over how you will be processing and managing incoming Online applications in the Admin site.