Forms Report

You can access the Forms Report from the menu drop-down. Reports > Forms Report. The Forms Report has undergone many improvements and it now has super-powers! When you create a Product Template to acquire input from your customer, all that data is very nicely organized in the Forms Report. When you attach a Product Template to a product, it automatically creates an entry on the Form Report utilizing the product name. You can sort the Forms Report by Date or by Name. You can also make the templates active or inactive on the Manage > Forms page. You can now filter by Product Name or the Product Sku, which is great when you have a long list of reports. If you utilize Locations, you can filter by that also.

I clicked on Field Trip 7/17 to see the details of the information we've collected from the customers, and that page is displayed below. Select the information you wish to see by clicking in the Select boxes at the right or click the 'Select All Fields' button at the top left. Then at the lower-left you will see 'Order By:' You can select the sort order here. Then click whether you wish to View Online or Export to Excel. Newest addition is the ability to sort by Paid Orders, Unpaid Orders or both giving this report even more flexibility. Then press the Continue button. You will need to select at least one box at the right, or you will receive a message to make a selection.



I chose to View the Report Online, as shown below.


If you Export to Excel, you will get a similar spreadsheet.

You can then manipulate all your data with the powers of MSExcel.