Process a credit card payment online, capture funds, or issue a refund. When your payment gateway is setup in ePayTrak, you may have different features or options available depending on the gateway integration you've selected. When you add a payment gateway in ePayTrak, it will list the primary features available for each merchant service. These settings will be created before your site goes 'live' by ePayTrak personnel.
Every merchant service provider has a setting to 'Authorize' or 'Capture' funds. ePayTrak utilizes the setting of Authorize and Capture for obtaining the best reporting results. If a credit card transaction is not authorized or declined, then the Status will be Pending.
This document describes how to capture full and partial payments, issue a refund, or add a credit card payment manually.
Transaction History
All orders that use a payment gateway to process a credit card will have a log of events for the transactions. This is called the Transaction History. All credit card activity is recorded here. The example below shows an order with a Transaction History.
In this example, the payment gateway is setup to 'Authorize and Capture'' funds. The payment status indicates the order is 'CAPTURED'. Payment is complete.
The transaction history section displays information about the credit card response. Looking left to right, the columns are described as follows:
Date - The date and time of the credit card transaction.
Gateway - The payment gateway. It might read USAepay, or it might be blank if an SSK12 payment.
Type - ePayTrak will show 'Authorize Capture' or 'Captured'.
Amount - The amount of the transaction.
Result - Whether the payment was accepted. In this case, it was a SUCCESS.
Notes - The notes contain transaction data such as transaction ID, Authorization number, AVS and CVV responses. Not all payment processors have the same features, so the information shown here can vary.
To Refund a Payment:
REQUIREMENTS: If you want to refund a payment by credit card, then you must select an order where the payment transaction has been completed.
From the Payments page, find the "Tasks:" option list for the payment you want to refund.
Click on the down-arrow and choose 'Issue Refund' from the list of task options available.
Click the GO icon to initiate the task.
The next page will allow you to modify the transaction.
If you want to change the amount of the refund, then enter a different Refund Amount. This will allow you to enter a Partial Refund. Also remove the amount from the Line Items amount for the item you don't wish to refund. If the totals from the line items do not equal the refund amount entered in the top box, you will not be able to process the refund until you do. You can change the amounts in the bottom right in the image above.
ePayTrak utilizes as the gateway, (in most cases) so you will need to only enter the last 4 digits of the card, or the expiration date. (see Refund Notes in the next section) That information is located in two places.
If you want to add an order note for the customer to see, enter it in the field provided.
When finished, click the REFUND button. After a moment, you will be returned to the Payments page.
The transaction history will be updated to show the Refund payment.
To Add a Credit Card Payment:
Collect payment on a changed order that has a balance due, or apply a credit card payment for any amount.
From the Payments page, click the ADD A NEW PAYMENT button located at the bottom of the page.
Make sure the 'Process Payment' option is selected. (default setting)
Choose a credit card type from the Transit Payment selections. (Your screen might differ depending on your gateway.) If your card is entered, it will appear as below.
Edit the Payment Amount if needed. The full amount due is shown by default.
It is best practice to have the customer enter all credit card information and not recommended that you add the card for the customer.
Click the Add Funding Sources to add a new card if necessary. Click the Finalize Payment button to complete the payment. After a moment, you will be returned to the Payments page.
The transaction history will be updated.
NOTE: Any credit card used for an order will have it's own payment identification. The transaction history will be shown separately for each payment.
To Change the Payment Status:
REQUIREMENTS: This section applies to credit card payments recorded.
From the Payments page, find the "Tasks" option list for the payment you want to change.
Click on the down-arrow and choose 'Edit Payment' from the list of task options available.
Click the GO icon to initiate the task.
The next page will allow you change the payment status to one of the following:
Unprocessed, Authorization Pending, Authorized, Authorization Failed, Capture Pending, Refund Pending, Refunded, Void Pending, Void, Completed.
Select one of available credit card payment statuses, and click the SAVE button.
NOTE: Unless you have a specific reason to change the payment status, we recommend using the default settings.