The Box Office Report is designed to show you data from the mPOS applications. You can access this report by clicking on Reports > Ticket Reports > Box Office Report. Enter your search criteria in the header. In this case, I included all transactions for 10/12-10/16 without specifying the Sku number or a specific mPOS user. The Use product Sku is helpful because you probably won't need to see each individual seat number.
Summary View
The Summary View shows you sub-totals for each user that processed transactions from the mobile Point of Sale on the iPad. It also includes the tender type.
Detail View
The Detail View shows all the orders that were processed from the iPad app.
In the example below, I used the filters for a specific show by entering a sku and for a specific user. Again, I checked the User Product Sku because it's not necessary to determine exactly which seats that were sold but you have that option if you wish to use it.
You can print a printer-friendly report directly from this screen. You can also export the Box Office Report by clicking on the Select Export Format drop-down. You have many formats to select, including .pdf, Rich Text, .csv and other format types. For use with Excel, I would recommend the .csv file format.