Variable Substitution
These are shown here for reference, you will not be changing the coding in ePayTrak.
Variables are indicated by a dollar sign, and may be enclosed in curly braces. Variables can appear anywhere within the scriptlet content.
Standard Syntax: $variable_name
Hello $User.FirstName!
Explicit Syntax: ${variable_name}
Hello ${User.FirstName}!
Standard syntax cannot be used if your variable is part of a larger string where the variable name would not be clearly defined. Below shows an example of incorrect use of the standard syntax, where explicit syntax must be used instead:
Incorrect with Standard syntax:
Correct with Explicit syntax:
.NET Syntax and Variable Formatting
When you reference variables you are accessing the object through the .NET framework. You can use traditional .NET syntax to access properties and methods. A common example might be to provide string formats:
nVelocity Scripting
With the nVelocity scripting language you can implement conditional logic and looping to create dynamic output. Any line that begins with a # pound sign is interpreted as a line of script.
Conditional Statements
You can employ conditional logic in your e-mail templates with the if-end statement. For example:
You can register now to get the great benefits of membership!
Welcome back $User.UserName!
You can loop over collections of items with the foreach-end statement. For example:
Current exchange rates for currencies:
#foreach($currency in $Store.Currencies)
Advanced Looping
The foreach statement supports additional features to enable things like alternating rows, headers, and footers.
#foreach($i in $items)
text which appears for each item
text which appears before each item
text which appears after each item
text which appears between each two items
text which appears for every other item, including the first
text which appears for every other item, starting with the second
Content rendered if $items evaluated to null or empty
text which appears before the loop, only if there are items matching condition
text which appears after the loop, only of there are items matching condition
Set Statement
You can create new nVelocity variables using the set statement.
#set ($counter = 1)
Currencies provided by $Store.Name:<br />
#foreach($currency in $Store.Currencies)
$counter. $currency.Name<br />
#set ($counter = $counter + 1)
<br />
All transactions are conducted in $Store.PrimaryCurrency.Name.
Including Comments
You can include comments in your nVelcoity script. Single line comments are created by starting a line with a ## double pound sign.
## single line comment will not be output
Multi line comments can also be included, by using the #* … *# syntax:
#* This is a
comment that spans
multiple lines and will
not be displayed