Activity by Department by Accounting Code

You can access the Activity by Department by Accounting Code Report from the Menu drop-down. Reports > Finance Reports > Activity by Department by Accounting Code. This report allows you to view reports by Department with sub-totals for all accounting codes, handy if you have many accounting codes in one department. You can view Summary or Detailed Views of the report.  In this example shown below, we chose to view all Departments' transactions in a date range with a Summary View.  

Summary View Report

The Summary View Report displays a Summary of the Totals for that Department with each Accounting Code listed separately over the chosen Date range. You can even filter by each accounting code if you wish. In the example below, you see two separate accounting codes, Performing Arts-Community Ed and Drama.

Detail View Report

The Detail View lists each transaction separately by Date in the range that you have chosen. Many specifics are displayed here including Name, Amount, Tender Type and the Transaction Date. I used a smaller date range to show you the entire Detail View report. There are sub-totals for each accounting code.



You  have the option to Export your report in different formats. Click on the Down-Arrow to view your choices as illustrated below.


Select your desired format type and then click 'Export'. You will then be prompted if you want to Open or Save the file. You will get the best results if you save the file to your Desktop or other location on your computer. In this example, I chose the .csv format type, which you can edit and sort in a program like MS Excel.

NOTE:  The Activity by Department by Accounting Code Report now displays refunds, taxes and shipping. Order coupons, Shipping, Taxes and any Service Fees now appear as separate departments with all applicable transactions displaying.  Product coupons will show in the department of the product. (Department Codes for Taxes and Shipping are assigned on the Configure > Store page). Transactions with multiple line items will show those line items in the proper Department. 100 percent coupon off will not appear on this report because there were no payments. The Class Roster and Class Enrollment reports will show 100% coupon usage transactions. All $0 transactions will not appear on Department or Accounting Code reports.