You can access the Activity by Date by Tender Type by Accounting Code Report from the Menu drop-down. Reports > Finance Reports > Activity by Date by Tender Type by Accounting Code. This report that gives you a list of transactions by Accounting Code with subtotals of the tender types used during the transaction, such as Cash, Check, eCheck or Visa/MC/Discover. You can select any one code or all the accounting codes.
Summary Review Report
The Summary Review shows a summary of the activity by Accounting Code for all tender types, such as cash, check, eCheck, AMEX or Visa/MC. You can view all the Accounting Codes in the example below. Note: There is a sub-total for each day of activity! This report differs from the Activity by Accounting Code by Date by Tender Type by the way the data is sorted. It sorts it by Date first, making it unique and easier for some accounting activities.
Detailed View Report
Click on the Detail View and the 'Run Report' button to view all transactions, with a sub-total of the tender types, as shown below. This reports groups by date first making some accounting functions simpler.
You also have the option to Export the Summary View or the Detail View reports in different formats. Click on the Down-Arrow to view your choices as illustrated below.
Select your desired format type and then click on Export. You will then be prompted if you want to Open or Save the file depending on your browser settings. You will get the best results if you save the file to your Desktop or other location. You can rename the default file name with a Date Range if you prefer. In this example, I chose the .csv format type, which you can edit and sort in a program like MS Excel.
NOTE: The Activity by Date by Tender Type by Accounting Code Report displays all refunds. Order Coupons, Taxes, Service Fees, and Shipping will display as their own Accounting Code. Product coupons will appear in the accounting code of the product. Shipping and Tax codes are assigned on the Configure > Store page.